Scientific Meetings

Annual scientific IGES meetings include invited talks from prominent researchers, as well as platform and poster presentations of contributed abstracts, which are published in Genetic Epidemiology, the offical journal of IGES.

(Non-IGES meetings/symposia of potential interest to members can be found under Announcements.)

In Conjunction with… Scientific Program Chair Local Organizing Chair Awards Published Abstracts

San Diego, CA
October 13-16

ASHG and ISCB: Big Data in the Cloud

Guillaume Paré
McMaster University
Hamilton ON Canada

Andrew Morris
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK

John Witte

Ekaterina Yonoba-Doing

Rachel Moore

Best Paper:
Mak TSH, et al.  PMID: 28480976

2018 Published Abstracts
2017 Cambridge, UK, September 9-11 Genomics of Common Diseases Jaya Satagopan
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, USA
Josee Dupuis
Boston University School of Public Health
Boston, MA, USA
Eleanor Wheeler (Co-Chair)
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Hinxton, UK
Leadership: Adrienne Cupples
Neel: Lyndal Henden
Williams: Osvaldo Espin-Garcia
Best Paper: Newcombe et al. PMID: 27027514
 2017 Published Abstracts
2016 Toronto, Canada, October 24-26 U of T DLSPH Big Data for Health 2016 Workshop Nathan Tintle
Dordt College
Sioux Center, Iowa
France Gagnon (Co-Chair)
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Celia Greenwood (Co-Chair)
Jewish General Hospital
Montreal, QC Canada
Leadership: Alec Wilson
Neel: Christopher Foley
Williams: Neneh Sallah
Best Paper: Conomos et al. PMID:25810074
2016 Published Abstracts
2015 Baltimore, MD, October 3-6 ASHG 2015 André Scherag
CSCC, University Hospital Jena
Jena, Germany
Priya Duggal (Co-Chair)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD USA
Alison Klein (Co-chair)
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD USA
Leadership: Andreas Ziegler
Neel: Helen R. Warren
Williams: Shuai Li
Best Paper: Heather E. Wheeler et al. PMID:24799323
2015 Published Abstracts
2014 Vienna, Austria, August 28-30 ISCB 35 and GAW 19 Justo Lorenzo Bermejo
Inst of Medical Biometry and Informatics
Heidelberg, Germany
Andreas Ziegler
Inst of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Lübeck, Germany
Leadership: Sanjay Shete
Neel: Mohamad Saad
Williams: Christian Benner
Best Paper: Clement Ma et al. PMID: 23788246
2014 Published Abstracts
2013 Chicago, Illinois,
September 15-17
  Celia GreenwoodLady Davis Institute for Medical Research Montreal, Quebec Canada   Leadership: 
Florence Demenais
Neel: Andrew Jaffe
Jessica Dennis 
Best Paper Award: 
Daniel Schaid et al
2013 Published Abstracts
2012 Stevenson, Washington (Skamania Lodge, Columbia River Gorge; 40 miles from Portland, Oregon), USA October 18-20 Genetic Analysis Workshop GAW18 Brooke Fridley
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Katrina Goddard
Kaiser Permanente Northwest
Portland, OR
Leadership: Shelley Bull
Neel: Nicholas Larson
Williams: Laura Faye
Best Paper Award: Aaron G. Day-Williams et al.
Genetic Epidemiology (2012) 36: 720-777
2011 Heidelberg, Germany, September 18-20   Inke König
Inst of Medical Biometry and Statistics
Lübeck, Germany
Jenny Chang-Claude
German Cancer Research Center
Heidelberg, Germany
 Leadership: Heike Bickeböller
Neel: Melanie Quintana
Williams: Janina Ried
Best Paper Award:Andrew Morris et al.
Genetic Epidemiology (2012) 36: 118-171
2010 Boston, MA – USA
October 10-12, 2010
Genetic Analysis Workshop
October 13-16, 2010
GAW 17
Nancy Saccone
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO, USA
Adrienne Cupples
Boston University School of Public Health
Boston, Massachusetts
Leadership: Nancy Cox
Best Paper: Jack Bowden and Frank Dudbridge
Neel: Thomas Hoffmann
Williams: Charles Cheung
Genetic Epidemiology (2010) 34: 917-992
2009 Kahuku, HI – USA
October 18-20, 2009
ASHG Annual Meeting
October 20-24, 2009
Alisa Goldstein
National Cancer Institute
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Lynn Carrasco
University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, US
Leadership: Laura Almasy
Neel: Bingshan Li
Williams: Dajiang J. Liu
2008 St. Louis, MO – USA
September 15-16, 2008
Genetic Analysis Workshop
September 17-20
GAW 16
Kari North
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Michael Province
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri, US
Leadership: Daniel Schaid
Best Paper: Brian L. Browning and Sharon R. Browning
Neel: Juan Lewinger
Williams: Daniel Schwarz
2007 York, England
September 7-10,2007
9/7: Special optional 1/2 day seminar by IGES educational Committee
9/10: Special 1/2 day seminar on Population Biobanks/P3G
Special 1/2 day seminar by IGES Program Committee
Frank Dudbridge
Medical Research Council
Tim Bishop
St. James’s University Hospital Cancer Research
Genetic Epidemiology Section
Leeds, UK
Heather Cordell
Institute of Human Genetics-Inter’l Centre for Life
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Leadership:Ellen Wijsman
Best Paper: DL Nicolae
Neel: Inke Koenig
Williams: Ioanna Tachmazidou
Genetic Epidemiology (2007) 31: 605-658
2006 Tampa Bay, FLA-USA
November 16-17
Genetic Analysis Workshop
November 13-15
GAW 15
Elizabeth Pugh
CIDR, Johns Hopkins Baltimore, MD-USA
Thomas Sellers
Moffit Cancer Center
Tampa, FL-USA
Leadership: Joan Bailey-Wilson
Administrative Excellence: Jeanne Cashman
Best Paper: Tao Wang
Neel: Evadnie Rampersaud
Williams: Yan Li
Genetic Epidemiology (2007) 31: 450-513
2005 Park City, UT-USA
October 23-24
ASHG (Salt Lake City, UT)
October 25-29
Andreas Ziegler
University at Lübeck –
(Full Committee)
Steve Hunt
Univ of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT-USA (Full Committee)

Leadership: Mike Province
Best Paper: Horvath S et al., 2004
Hui-Ju Tsai
Claire Bardel

Genetic Epidemiology (2005) 29:234-292
2004 Nöördwijkerhout – The Netherlands
September 11-12
Genetic Analysis Workshop
September 7-10
GAW 14
Emmanuelle Génin
(Full Committee)
Cornelia van Duijn
Erasmus Medical College Rotterdam-The Netherlands
(Full Committee)

Best Paper: W James Gauderman 2003
Mark Iles
Mathew Barber 

Genetic Epidemiology (2004) 27:258-316
2003 Redondo Beach CA-USA
November 2-4
American Society of Human Genetics
November 4-8
Kim Siegmund
Univeristy of Southern California, CA-USA
(Full Committee)
Rita Cantor
UCLA School of Med
Los Angeles, CA-USA
(Full Committee)
Leadership: Chris Amos
Best Paper: 
Shih & Whittemore, 2002
Alexandre Alcais
Nadia Tahri-Daizadeh and Martin Tobin(shared)
Genetic Epidemiology (2003) 25:236-279
2002 New Orleans, LA-USA
November 15-16
Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW 13)
November 11-14(am)Robert Elston Symposium
November 14(pm)
John Witte
Case-Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH – USA
(Full Committee)
Bronya Keats
Louisiana State Univ
New Orleans, LA-USA
(Full Committee)

Leadership: Max Baur
Best Paper: Bull S, et al., 2001
Neel: France Gagnon
Williams: Martin Tobin

Genetic Epidemiology(2002) 23:264-314 (pdf 471 kb)
2001 Garmisch, Germany
September 2-4
International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Heike Bickeböller
Institut für Epidemiologie
Neuherberg, Germany
(Full Committee)
Heike Bickeböller
Institut für Epidemiologie
Neuherberg, Germany
(Full Committee)
Leadership: M. Anne Spence
Best GE Paper:Olson J and Cordell H, 2000
Neel: Jason Moore
Williams: David Conti
Genetic Epidemiology(2001) 21:139-190. (pdf 274 kb)

San Antonio, TX-USA
October 27-28

Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) 12 Laura Almasy
San Antonio, TX-USA
(Full Committee)
Jean MacCluer
San Antonio, TX-USA
(Full Committee)
Leadership: Duncan C. Thomas
Best Paper: Broman KW et al., 1999
Neel: Lisa J. Martin
Williams: Paivi Onkamo
Genetic Epidemiology(2000) 19:235-286. (pdf 307 kb)

St. Louis, MO-USA
September 8-9

Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits: Newton Morton Symposium Ingrid Borecki
Washington Univ
St. Louis, MO-USA
(Full Committee)

Michael Province
Washington Univ
St. Louis, MO-USA
(Full Committee)

Leadership:Françoise Clerget-Darpoux
Best Paper:Hongzhe Li et al., 1998
Genetic Epidemiology(1999) 17:190-233. (pdf 573 kb)

Arcachon, France
September 11-12

Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) 11 Michael Province
Washington Univ
St. Louis, MO-USA
(Full Committee)
Françoise Clerget-Darpoux (Chair) 
 Le Kremlin Bicetre Cedex – France
(Full Committee)
Leadership: Jean W. MacCluer
Best Paper: Martin Farrall, 1997
Genetic Epidemiology(1998) 15:513-550. (pdf 197 kb)
1997 Baltimore, MD-USA
October 27-28
American Society of Human Genetics Alec Wilson
Baltimore, MD-USA
(Full Committee)
Terry Beaty
Johns Hopkins Univ
Baltimore, MD-USA
(Full Committee)
Leadership: D.C. Rao
Best Paper: Dan Schaid, 1996
Genetic Epidemiology(1997) 14:517-546. (pdf 5876 kb)
1996 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aug 17-18
International Congress of Human Genetics Ruth Ottman
Columbia Univ
New York, NY-USA
(Full Committee)
Mary Feitosa
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(Full Committee)
Leadership: Newton Morton

Genetic Epidemiology (1996) 13:301-314. (pdf unavailable)

1995 Snowbird, UT-USA
June 20-22
Society for Epidemiological Research (SER) Melissa Austin
Univ Washington
Seattle, WA-USA
(Full Committee)
John Mulvihill
Univ Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA-USA
(Full Committee)
Leadership: Robert Elston Genetic Epidemiology (1995) 12:317-336 [abstracts]. (pdf unavailable)
(1996) 13:107-110 [proceedings]
1994 Paris, France
June 1-2
Eurpoean Society of Human Genetics Florence Demenais
Paris, France
(Full Committee)
Françoise Clerget-Darpoux
Paris, France
(Full Committee)
N/A Genetic Epidemiology (1994) 11:285-310. (pdf unavailable)
1993 New Orleans, LA-USA
October 10-11
American Society of Human Genetics Joan Bailey-Wilson
Louisiana State Univ
New Orleans, LA-USA
(Full Committee)
Robert Elston
Louisiana State Univ
New Orleans, LA-USA
(Full Committee)
N/A Genetic Epidemiology (1993) 10:331-347. (pdf unavailable)
1992 Minneapolis, MN-USA
June 12
Society for Epidemiological Research (SER) Janis Dorman
Univ Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA-USA
(Full Committee)
Tom Sellers
Univ Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN-USA
(Full Committee)
N/A (pdf 200 kb)